DO326A/ED202A Aviation Cybersecurity Set Introduction for Engineers and Managers
The first complete and workable DO-326/ED-202 set of documents was published in June 2018. But even earlier than that, the FAA and EASA made the set’s earlier versions as mandatory as practical at any given point in time. Following its mid-2018 publication, this DO-326/ED-202 set is already widely regarded as an Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC), i.e., a de facto mandatory cybersecurity standard.
Download this paper, written by the avionics experts at AFuzion, to learn the answers to the following questions and more:
- What is DO-326/ED-202 and why couldn’t ARP-4754/DO-178 just be applied?
- To what extent is the DO-326/ED-202 set mandatory?
- What are the DO-326/ED-202 set guidance and recommendations?