
How to Increase Efficiency in Testing and Confidence in Safety Standard Compliance

How to Increase Efficiency in Testing and Confidence in Safety Standard Compliance

Testing plays a key role in the successful development of safety-critical systems. However, many organizations still perform testing manually which can lead to the introduction of errors, inconsistencies in code analysis, delays in project timelines, and increased chances of recalls or failure to meet safety standards.

Join Steve Rush of Jama Software and Ricardo Camacho of LDRA as we discuss the importance of linking testing to requirements and how the two companies are working together to help organizations meet safety standards.

Among the topics we’ll cover are best practices for testing automation and the importance of traceability for achieving safety standard compliance.

In this webinar, we’ll also discuss:

  • The importance of testing when developing safety-critical systems and common errors that can occur
  • Insights into the requirements management framework for software validation and verification lifecycle for embedded systems
  • How Jama Software and LDRA’s integration leverages both platforms to ease the path to compliance for safety and security standards like DO-178C, ISO26262, etc.