Tag Archive for: Jama Connect Platform

The New ARP4754B and Techniques in Jama Connect® for Airborne Systems

ARP4754B, released on December 20, 2023, is a standard from SAE International that provides recommendations for the development of civil aircraft and systems, focusing on ensuring safety and compliance with regulations. It covers the entire aircraft development cycle, from system requirements through verification and validation. The latest revision includes new methods for safety analysis, such as Model-Based Safety Analysis (MBSA) and Cascading Effects Analysis (CEA). It is mandatory for all aircraft and systems worldwide, including emerging eVTOLs and UAVs, to demonstrate compliance with aviation regulations. This guideline aligns with ARP4761A, which was released on the same date, for safety assessment processes and offers increased flexibility in selecting validation and verification methods.

ARP4754B Applied in Jama Connect for Airborne Systems

ARP4754B and ARP4761A are both crucial guidelines, and the alignment between the two new versions has been enhanced to streamline development and safety assessments. In addition to the inclusion of the two new safety analysis methods, ARP4754B now places a stronger emphasis on identifying and mitigating unintended behaviors. It now includes consensus methods for demonstrating compliance within the development planning process and has also enhanced its flexibility in validation and verification.

Jama Connect can be used throughout the system development process as the primary system to manage the requirements and full product traceability. Figure 1 from ARP4754B outlines the relationships between the lifecycle and integral processes, which provide guidelines for safety assessment, electronic hardware and software lifecycle processes, and the system development process described herein.

An aircraft / systems development process model adapted from SEA ARP4754B

There are always numerous ways to tailor the use of Jama Connect. Here’s how the updates to ARP4754B influence requirements management and how our Airborne solution is pre-configured to support them.

1: Adoption of Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE)

  • MBSE Integration: Updates encourage the use of MBSE to handle the increasing complexity of aircraft systems.
  • Modeling Languages: Use of modeling languages like SysML to create detailed system models that include requirements, behavior, and structure.

Jama Connect for Airborne Systems Model-Based Techniques

  • Model-Driven Requirements: Requirements are captured and managed within the Jama Connect data model, providing requirements management techniques that support model-based representations. The Solution comes pre-configured with element types that correspond to the levels of requirements called out in ARP4754B, function elements, WBS, verifications and validations, and safety-related elements. Jama Connect constrains the data to follow the traceability rules which enable rapid analysis, automated trace matrix generation, and querying and reporting.

List of model-driven requirements such as function, aircraft requirement, system requirement, and more.

  • Synchronization of Models and Textual Requirements: Ensuring consistency between textual requirements and model-based representations requires synchronization mechanisms. Jama Connect is often used in conjunction with SysML tools and all leading vendors offer native integrations.

Figure 2: Model-based elements replace documents and the Jama Connect for Airborne Systems’ traceability schema maintains consistency.

RELATED: A Path to Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) with Jama Connect

2. Enhanced Integration of Safety and Requirements Management

  • Safety-Driven Requirements: The updates emphasize integrating safety assessments directly into the requirements management process. This means that safety considerations become a foundational aspect of requirement definition and management.
  • Iterative Feedback Loop: There is a stronger focus on creating an iterative process where safety analysis results inform requirement updates, and changes in requirements trigger reassessment of safety analyses.

Jama Connect for Airborne Systems Safety & Requirements Management Techniques:

  • Traceable Within the Model: The outputs from safety analyses are captured and managed directly in Jama Connect. Our Airborne Systems solution provides the data model for a consistent trace and data strategy between safety, requirements, and tests.
  • Requirements Annotation: Requirements have built-in attributes for safety-related information, such as hazard classifications and safety integrity levels.
  • Tool Integration: Jama Connect integrates seamlessly with safety analysis tools such as ANSYS Medini, the LDRA tool suite and others to ensure seamless data flow and traceability between safety assessments and requirements.
Jama Connect Airborne Systems framework showing in an explorer tree with a side-by-side comparison of how it follows SAE ARP4754B requirements structure.

Figure 3: Jama Connect for Airborne Systems solution on the left and SAE ARP4754B (page 102) on the right.

RELATED: Cybersecurity in the Air: Addressing Modern Threats with DO-326A

3. Improved Traceability Requirements

  • Bidirectional Traceability: Enhanced emphasis on maintaining bidirectional traceability between requirements, design artifacts, implementation, and verification activities.
  • Traceability to Safety Objectives: Requirements must be directly linked to safety objectives and hazard analyses derived from updated safety assessment processes.

Jama Connect for Airborne Systems Solution Techniques:

  • Robust Traceability Matrices: The solution comes preconfigured with views and filters required by ARP4754B. These sophisticated traceability matrices that map requirements to design elements, test cases, and safety analyses are also exportable. The Airborne Systems solution has out-of-the-box export templates that can also be tailored.
  • Automated Traceability: Instead of authoring content and then creating a trace to its related content after the fact, use the “Add Related” functionality built into Jama Connect. This use of automated trace creation to manage traceability reduces the risk of human error and improves efficiency.
Jama Connect Airborne Framework item types.

Figure 4: Constrained set of data choices ensures users create consistent traces.

We’ve shared 3 of the 6 ways Jama Connect’s Airborne Solution supports ARP4754B influence requirements management.
Want the full picture? Download the whitepaper to explore them all!

The New ARP4754B and Techniques in Jama Connect for Airborne Systems Whitepaper

Graduation hat on a ticking clock showing this videos five minute topic of release management in jama connect using reuse and synchronization.

Jama Connect Features in Five: Release Management via Reuse & Synchronization

Learn how you can supercharge your systems development process! In this blog series, we’re pulling back the curtains to give you a look at a few of Jama Connect’s powerful features… in under five minutes.

In this Features in Five video, Máté Hársing, Solutions Manager at Jama Software, demonstrates how Jama Connect helps teams streamline release management with its reuse and synchronization capabilities.


Máté Hársing: Hello and welcome. My name is Máté Hársing, and I’m a Solutions Architect at Jama Software. In this video, we’re going to explore how Jama Connect helps teams streamline release management with its reuse and synchronization capabilities. Managing multiple product releases often introduces challenges such as tracking changes across different product versions, ensuring teams work on release branches without disrupting the main project, merging updates without losing critical information or creating inconsistencies, maintaining traceability and compliance in industries with strict regulatory requirements.

Without the right tools, these challenges can lead to delays, increased costs, and risks of errors. Jama Connect addresses these challenges with its reuse and synchronization capabilities.

By allowing you to duplicate projects or components, Jama Connect creates a release branch where teams can work independently. The platform provides powerful comparison tools at the item, set, and project levels, enabling you to see changes clearly.

When it’s time to merge updates, Jama Connect gives you full control, allowing you to select specific changes while maintaining traceability and alignment. Now let’s see this in action. I’ll start by showing the main branch of the project and how it’s in sync with a specific release branch, release 2.0. This release branch is a separate project that will include updates and modifications specific to this version once we start working on it. As you can see, so far, the synchronization is fully intact between these two projects.

RELATED: Jama Connect® Features in Five: Reuse & Sync

Hársing: Now let’s take a look at the synced items widget starting at the item level. This widget shows the relationship between this specific operational time requirement in the main project and the release branch. You can see they are currently in sync, meaning there is no difference between them. If I change the operational time for release two zero to a higher number, as we want to ensure higher user satisfaction, you’ll see they are now out of sync.

By clicking on the button, we can see the red line differentiation between the main branch requirement and the release-specific requirement for release 2.0. Moving up to the set level, we can view how entire groups of requirements are synced. This provides a broader perspective, allowing teams to manage changes across multiple related items efficiently. Let’s add a new requirement to release 2.0 and delete an existing one so that you can see how the information will show up when comparing the two sets between the main branch and release 2.0.

Finally, at the project level, you can see an overview of synchronization across the entire project. This is particularly useful for tracking overall progress and ensuring alignment between the main branch and the release.

Now I’ll demonstrate how to merge changes back into the main project. Jama Connect allows you to make different kinds of merges. For instance, you can accept specific changes, reject others, or use the consolidation option to manage conflicting requirement descriptions side by side. This ensures the two versions of a requirement can be refined into a common denominator, maintaining clarity and consistency.

RELATED: Buyer’s Guide: Selecting a Requirements Management and Traceability Solution

Hársing: I’d like to emphasize that both reusing and synchronizing are permission-controlled so that only appointed team members can execute these tasks. Each dedicated project can also be baselined creating a snapshot in time. This is invaluable for generating submission-ready documentation, especially in regulated industries such as medical device design and development. Additionally, any change made in either project, the main branch or the release branch, propagates reactive change management capabilities via the Suspect Link tool. This feature automatically flags impacted items, ensuring teams can quickly assess and address the downstream effects of any modification.

These features reduce risks, improve collaboration, and ensure compliance by keeping everything organized and transparent. Jama Connect simplifies release management so you can focus on delivering high-quality products.

Thank you for watching this demonstration of release management via reuse and synchronization in Jama Connect. If you would like to learn more about how Jama Connect can optimize your product development process, please visit our website at jamasoftware.com. If you are already a Jama Connect customer and would like more information about release management via reuse and synchronization, please contact your Customer Success Manager or Jama Software Consultant.

To view more Jama Connect Features in Five topics, visit:
Jama Connect Features in Five Video Series


[Webinar Recap] Transform Engineering Processes: Bridge Gaps Between Teams and Tools Effectively

In this blog, we recap our recent webinar, “Transform Engineering Processes: Bridge Gaps Between Teams and Tools Effectively” – Click HERE to watch it in its entirety.


Transform Engineering Processes: Bridge Gaps Between Teams and Tools Effectively

Engineering organizations face challenges delivering complex products on time, within budget, and with high quality. Teams often work with different tools, creating data silos that slow the digital engineering process. These gaps lead to missed requirements, delays, and defects.

In this webinar, our Jama Software experts Preston Mitchell, Vice President of Solutions & Support; Mario Maldari, Director of Product & Solution Marketing; and Vincent Balgos, Director of Solutions & Consulting, discuss how Jama Connect®, and our Jama Connect Interchange™ add-on, address these challenges through key use cases.

What you’ll learn:

  • Traceable Agile: Integrate systems engineering and software teams using Jama Connect + Jira to drive quality and speed.
  • Scalable FMEA Process: Empower reliability and risk management teams with Jama Connect + Excel for efficient FMEA analysis.
  • Universal ReqIF Exchange: Seamlessly import, export, and round-trip ReqIF exchanges across requirements tools with Universal ReqIF, enabling teams to co-develop requirements with stakeholders and partners.

The video above is a preview of this webinar – Click HERE to watch it in its entirety!


Preston Mitchell: We are here to talk about how to save precious engineering time, and each of us is going to cover a specific use case that we think will help your teams save a lot of time, utilizing both Jama Connect, as well as Jama Connect Interchange. And when you think about where is most of the time wasted in engineering teams, we typically find it’s something that visually looks like this. It’s siloed teams and tools across the system engineering V model, and we really find that these things are the number one cause of negative product outcomes.

You know them, you’re probably intimately familiar with them. It’s a lack of identification of defects, missed requirements, or lack of coordination. A lot of manual steps to connect things, maybe requirements that live in one tool, and your system testing that lives in a different tool. And a lot of this can be highly manual, which is really a tough thing when you have to satisfy some of the industry regulations that a lot of our customers work with.

As we all know, kind of late detection of issues really leads to a huge cost in order to correct that with a project. You can kind of see in this bar graph here, that I’ve got on the left the different phases, going to the right of a typical product development. So you’re starting in the requirements definition and design, and moving all the way to acceptance testing. Typically, the number of faults or problems are introduced very early in the requirements definition and design phase. But the problem is they aren’t found until later in the project, like during integration or system testing. And even if you get to the acceptance testing level, you can see the exponential increase in cost to fix these expensive errors. These is not Jama Connect’s numbers, these numbers are from sources at The International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) and National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). So you can really take away from this is the fewer errors that we introduce early, or the faster or sooner that we identify those issues, the better off we’re going to be and the more engineering time we are going to save.

How do we do this? Well, Jama Software, we are the number one requirements management and Live Traceability™ product in the market. We really bring a lot of resources and technology to bear to help you manage your product development, whether that’s complex and highly scaled types of products. We help you bring all the collaboration and reviews online. And we help you, number one, integrate the different state of the product across the many disparate tools that you might have in your engineering departments, and, specifically, that’s going to allow you to then measure and improve your traceability.

RELATED: Jama Connect Interchange™ for Software and Product Development Teams: Live Traceability Realized

Mitchell: We work with a lot of the key industries that you see here at the bottom, and in particular, like Vincent, you work with the medical devices. I think your use case that you’re going to cover is going to be very built off of that medical device industry. But really, a lot of the use cases we’re going to cover today are applicable to all of these industries.

We are the leader, and we’d like to be bold about it. We are number one according to G2 in terms of requirements management and traceability tools. So we encourage you to check out the different ratings and how we stack up against our competitors.

The ultimate goal that we want to get you to is saving that time. So moving from disparate, siloed teams and tools to an actual integrated system of Live Traceability. We actually have benchmark data from all of our cloud customers, where we can actually show a correlation between the customers that have a greater traceability score, meaning all the expected relationships have been built out. We find that they have 1.8x faster time to defect detection, nearly 2.5x times lower test case failure rates, and then typically a 3.5x higher verification coverage. So it behooves you and your engineering teams to think about how can we actually integrate, and save ourselves time, and that’s just going to create a higher-quality product down the line.

I’d be curious to pause right here. We have a poll. I’d be interested in asking, if you take a step back and think about your R&D teams, all the different tools and teams that you have, what percentage would you say today in your organization is actually fully covered by Live Traceability? 100%, 50%, 0%? I’d be kind of interested in the scale on that. So we should see a poll pop up here, and I’ll give you a couple of seconds to answer that.

Now, we see some answers coming in. Thank you. Yeah, as to be expected, it’s not anywhere near 100%. Most of the companies that we work with are struggling with this, and so this is where we really want to help them out. And how do we do that? Well, our Jama Connect Interchange add-on to Jama Connect is a really powerful tool that we’re going to walk you through today, and it’s going to allow you to automate the connection between your data and process.

So we’re going to cover three use cases. I’m going to talk briefly first about Traceable Agile™, and this is how we integrate systems and software teams, using Jama Connect and a very popular tool that a lot of our software organizations use, which is Atlassian Jira. So we’ll talk about that Traceable Agile use case. Then Vincent is going to cover the Scalable FMEA Process, so how to utilize the power of the functions that are in Excel, and bringing those functions to bear inside of Jama Connect, so that you can do risk management and reliability management, but tied in with your requirements and testing. And then, finally, we’ll end on Mario covering Universal ReqIF Exchange, and this really enables you to co-develop with partners and suppliers across Jama Connect, but also maybe even different requirements management tools. So let’s dive in.


RELATED: Traceable Agile™ – Speed AND Quality Are Possible for Software Factories in Safety-critical Industries

Mitchell: So when you think about Traceable Agile, Agile software, it’s a methodology, as well as a philosophy. It’s been around software teams for a long time, and it works well. It’s been widely adopted, and widely successful. At the same time, a lot of complex products are not made up of solely software. They have to actually be integrated in with the hardware and perhaps other mechanical aspects of these products that you’re building. So there’s a balance, right? There’s a balance of being completely Agile, but also making sure that you follow some process.

And kind of where we find that Agile sometimes can break down when we talk with software engineering leaders. They have these very common questions that they bring up, and it’s what keeps them up at night. How do I know which requirements have been missed? Am I actually covering everything? How do I know that I’m actually testing all of my requirements, and which ones of those have failed? The fourth bullet there, how do I identify rogue developments? It’s like, how do I make sure my teams are not gold-plating the product, and we’re actually meeting the stakeholder or the user needs that we’re trying to deliver to? And then, finally, change. Change is a given in this fast-paced environment, so how do I know when impacts are made? When changes are made in the software or in the hardware, how do I know what those impacts are across?

So the solution to this is Traceable Agile. It’s really no change to how your software teams may work today using Atlassian Jira. Really, what we are adding on is the ability to auto-detect gaps and measure and take action on those. And so I’m going to step into Jama Connect to give you a little bit of a demonstration here.

Transform Engineering Processes: Bridge Gaps Between Teams and Tools Effectively

Leveraging Jama Connect® and Jira for Enhanced Requirements

In this blog, we recap our recent whitepaper, “Leveraging Jama Connect and Jira for Enhanced Requirements Management” – Click HERE to download it in its entirety.

Leveraging Jama Connect and Jira for Enhanced Requirements

Think you can manage your complex software requirements with Word and Jira alone? Think again.

In software development, teams need tools that enable them to manage requirements, ensure traceability, and adapt to changes without losing sight of their goals. Many companies rely solely on Atlassian Jira, often paired with Word or Excel, to handle requirements and track development tasks.

While Jira is highly effective for tracking implementation progress, it lacks essential features for managing requirements throughout the entire development lifecycle.

The limitations of using Jira alone can lead to costly setbacks, such as rework, missed deadlines, delayed rollouts, and compromised quality. These challenges stem from a lack of traceability, inefficient review processes, limited project visibility, and an incomplete definition of the system.

This eBook explores these issues and introduces a solution: integrating Jama Connect with Jira. Jama Connect enhances requirements management, enables Live Traceability™, streamlines reviews, and provides real-time insight into development progress.

Together, Jama Connect and Jira empower teams to achieve better software development outcomes

1. The Limitations of Using Jira Alone for Requirements Management

Lack of Traceability

The challenge of managing requirements with flat or disparate files like Word or Excel is significant. Teams that use these tools alongside Jira often struggle to keep requirements aligned with development tasks. Manual traceability in these formats is resource-intensive, prone to errors, and leaves significant gaps in coverage.

Without proper traceability, teams have limited visibility into their project’s true status, which can lead to costly rework and project delays. In fact, lack of traceability is one of the leading causes of negative project outcomes. When you can’t see how requirements connect to development and testing, the project suffers, and costs escalate — especially if defects are discovered later in the lifecycle. According to research done by INCOSE, the cost of fixing a defect can be up to 110 times more expensive if it’s found during validation rather than early on.

Jama Connect’s Live Traceability solves this problem by creating a digital thread through every level of development, from customer needs to verification and validation. This digital thread ensures that all requirements are covered and connected to development tasks, giving teams confidence that they’re meeting their goals and satisfying customer needs. Later in this paper, we’ll explore the many ways Live Traceability can dramatically improve your development process.

RELATED: Traceable Agile™ – Speed AND Quality Are Possible for Software Factories in Safety-critical Industries

Inefficient Requirement Reviews

Reviewing requirements using Word documents can be frustrating and inefficient. A business requirements document often contains hundreds or even thousands of requirements. Teams must wait for the entire document to reach a draft state before circulating it for feedback. Stakeholders then provide comments through a combination of Word’s review features and emails, creating a fragmented and time-consuming process.

In this scenario, the burden falls on the business analyst to compile feedback, chase down reviewers, and manage multiple rounds of review cycles. This process is not only inefficient but also risks missed feedback or inconsistencies, as it’s difficult to track changes from one review cycle to the next.

Jama Connect’s Review Center streamlines this process. It allows teams to break down reviews into manageable parts and send specific sections out for feedback. Instead of waiting for an entire document to be finalized, teams can initiate reviews iteratively. The Review Center also automatically creates a baseline at the start of each review, providing a clear record of the requirements’ state before any feedback or changes are made. This reduces review cycles and accelerates consensus, saving valuable time and resources.

Business Analysts and Stakeholders are Frustrated

The lack of an end-to-end tool connecting stakeholders, business analysts, and software development teams is a major gap. Traceable Agile™ in Jama Connect is the answer. With Traceable Agile, there is no change for software teams and the development process is supported for both business analysts and stakeholders. Learn more here >>

2. The Value of Creating a Digital Thread with Jama Connect and Jira

Providing Development Insight

Jira is a powerful tool for tracking development tasks, prioritizing work, and managing sprint schedules. However, it lacks comprehensive visibility into whether requirements are actually being met. If development tasks, such as user stories, aren’t directly linked to requirements, it’s impossible to know how close the project is to meeting customer needs.

Unlinked development tasks open risks like scope creep, rogue development, or unintentional changes that affect other parts of the system. In these cases, teams may spend time on tasks that aren’t aligned with the project’s core requirements, leading to wasted resources and delayed timelines.

By integrating Jama Connect with Jira, teams can bridge this gap. Jama Connect retains the requirements context, while Jira provides insight into development progress. Each team can work within its tool of choice while sharing critical information, such as real-time updates on task status. This integration enables project managers to see how development is progressing against requirements, ensuring that every task is necessary, and every requirement is covered.

Only Jama Connect Delivers a Digital Thread that is Measurable and Live Traceable Across Best-of-Breed Tools Jama Connect’s digital thread connects best-of-breed tools like Jira and Cameo and enables you to auto detect risk early across all engineering disciplines. This has been shown to enable proven improvement to the product development process.

Clear Definition of System Requirements

A common misconception about Agile is that formal requirements documentation is unnecessary. Some teams try to decompose customer needs into user stories in Jira, thinking that’s sufficient. However, this approach has limitations. User stories describe specific interactions or functions from a user’s perspective, but they don’t provide the comprehensive requirements needed for a full system definition.

Traceable Agile ensures that every requirement and feature is documented, versioned, and kept up to date, providing a clear, evolving definition of the system. Unlike user stories, requirements offer a functional description of what the system must do, ensuring alignment with customer needs. With Jama Connect, you get a single source of truth for the system, one that evolves over time and reflects the current state of requirements, while also keeping a record of every change that’s made.

RELATED: Buyer’s Guide: Selecting a Requirements Management and Traceability Solution

Companies Choose Agile for Speed, Jama Connect Delivers Speed AND Quality

Jama Connect solves common challenges with Agile initiatives, such as maintaining standards compliance, coordinating hardware and software teams, managing defects, reducing rework, and ensuring customer quality. Traceable Agile speeds the flow of software and hardware development and maintains the current and historical state of development quality to auto-detect issues early. Watch the demo >>

Leveraging Jama Connect and Jira for Enhanced Requirements

Headshot of a speaker who is talking about use cases for variant management.

In this blog, we recap a recent webinar, visit “Use Cases and Strategies for Simplifying Variant Management” to watch it in its entirety.

Use Cases and Strategies for Simplifying Variant Management

Variant management enables organizations to efficiently tailor requirements for diverse markets while maintaining alignment across teams.

Jama Connect® offers flexible strategies to simplify creation, adaptation, and tracking of multiple variants. These approaches facilitate efficient reuse, reduce complexity, and maintain traceability across complicated product lines.

In this webinar, Matt Mickle – Director of Automotive Solutions at Jama Software discusses common variant management use cases and strategies.

What You’ll Learn:

  • Identifying and adapting product variants based on evolving market dynamics, regulatory requirements, and unique customer needs to ensure consistent compliance.
  • Streamlining variant creation by configuring specific versions of product components, optimizing reuse, and fostering alignment across complex product lines.
  • Leveraging a structured feature model to effectively manage options and better understand complex product variations.

Below is an abbreviated transcript and a recording of our webinar.

The video above is a preview of this webinar – Click HERE to watch it in its entirety!


Matt Mickle: We have a fun topic today, walking through variant management use cases with the goal of simplifying this sometimes complicated topic. I will start off by walking through some of the common use cases that we often hear, followed by some concrete examples of how we would see these within the industry. I’ll talk a little bit about how we’ll solve these within Jama Connect and then have some demonstration of this directly in the tool. I’ll do this for each use case as we proceed, and then we’ll move on to some Q&A and I’ll answer some of your questions.

So, what do I mean when I say variant management? Well, simply, I would describe variant management as any process or technique that is used to manage variability and assets within a project. This could be in the form of certain techniques, such as feature-based product line engineering, which we’ll talk a little bit more about later. Configuration management, product derivation, or branch and merge. A product can vary in many ways, such as different features, material or components, premium services, or levels of performance. Here are some examples you might recognize. Models of home appliances with different sizes or capabilities, like these refrigerators. Microcontrollers with a configuration of reusable IP blocks. Medical devices, such as insulin pumps or digital thermometers having an array of features based on setting, method of application or type of consumer. As well as everyday devices, such as smartphones or smartwatches with different uses or consumer profiles.

Nearly every product you could think of has some amount of variation. And the process of managing those variants extends from the conception of the products, all the way into their description at the point of sale, and maintenance thereafter. So, one of these methods, which we will mention in the discussion today, is product line engineering, or PLE for short. And for this, we’ll use the simple definition, a focus on engineering for a family of products with similar features, components or modules as a single product line to leverage commonality and variability, minimize the duplication of effort, and maximize reusability.

RELATED: Expert Perspectives: Integrating Safety of Intended Functionality (SOTIF) Into the Automotive Requirements Engineering Process

Mickle: Now, a couple of definitions that go along with that from the standards for product line engineering, from ISO 26550, the definition of a feature would be an abstract functional characteristic of a system of interest that end users and other stakeholders can understand. And from the product line engineering for feature-based product line engineering standard, ISO 26580, a product line would be a family of similar products with variations in features. So, product line engineering could be considered as the next step in maturity. Single system engineering. And as the ISO standard on software and system engineering for product line engineering and management states, product companies utilizing single system engineering and management approaches may end up with highly complex and low-quality products. Low productivity, high employee turnover, and less than expected customer satisfaction.

So, let’s instead talk about the benefits of moving from single-system engineering into product-line engineering. Product line engineering enables organizations to create product line architecture that allows for the systematic reuse of components, modules, and assets across different products within a product line. This promotes efficiency by reducing redundancy in the need to recreate similar functionalities for each product. By reusing existing components and assets, organizations can significantly reduce development costs. Product line engineering allows for economies of scale, as the investment in creating a core set of assets can be spread across multiple products, leading to cost savings in the long run.

With product line engineering, organizations can streamline the development process by leveraging existing components and architectures. Faster time to market for new products, since development efforts are focused on creating unique features, rather than rebuilding common functionalities. Product line engineering helps ensure consistency in products across the product line. By reusing well-tested and validated components, the likelihood of introducing defects or inconsistencies is reduced. And this will lead to higher overall product quality. As market demands change or new technologies emerge, product line engineering provides a framework that allows organizations to adapt and evolve their product line more easily. This enables the addition of new features or modification of existing ones without starting the development from scratch.

RELATED: Traceable Agile™ – Speed AND Quality Are Possible for Software Factories in Safety-critical Industries

Mickle: Product line engineering supports efficient configuration management, allowing organizations to define and manage variations and products through configuration, rather than by creating separated versions or desynchronized copies of content. This simplifies the task of handling different customer requirements or market-specific adaptations. Product line engineering makes maintenance and upgrades more manageable. Changes or bug fixes can be applied to common components, and then the updates can be propagated to all of the products within the line, ensuring that each product benefits from the improvements without having to undergo individual modifications.

And finally, product line engineering helps mitigate the risks associated with product development by relying on well-established and proven components. Since these components have been used and tested across multiple products, the likelihood of critical issues arising is reduced. Now, of course, there are many benefits for product line engineering, but there are a lot of challenges that a company goes through in order to try and move towards product line engineering. For example, let’s say a company starts out with a single product and then begins to build variants on that product, turning it into a product line. As the number of variants and variation between them grows, the ability to manage them becomes more and more challenging.

When a change is made, it’s important to assess not only the impact of that change within the product, where the change is made, but also in any products that are part of the same product line. If the change is against common requirements, then the decision is needed on whether they need variation. New versions or configurations of components of a system will need to be thoroughly reviewed with regards to how they interconnect. This becomes even more challenging and complex when considered as the product development data moves from one development application to the next. Throughout the supply chain, information about progress and change needs to flow and be collected in order to see overall status.

Use Cases and Strategies for Simplifying Variant Management

Jama Connect® Stands Alone as the Leader in Requirements Management Software

Jama Connect® Stands Alone as the Leader in Requirements Management Software

We are thrilled to share that Jama Connect has been named the Overall Leader in G2®’s Winter 2025 Grid Report for Requirements Management Software!

This recognition is particularly meaningful because G2’s rankings are based on verified user reviews and insights from real customers, analyzed through their proprietary v3.0 algorithm. The Winter 2025 Grid Report reflects data collected through November 19, 2024, highlighting the best-performing tools in the field.

But that’s not all — Jama Connect received multiple accolades across all business sizes and regions, including:
  • Overall Leader
  • Momentum Leader
  • Small-Business Leader
  • Mid-Market Leader
  • Enterprise Leader
  • EMEA Leader
  • Europe Leader

Learn more about the Winter 2025 G2 Grid for top Requirements Management Software products:

Why This Recognition Matters

This accomplishment underscores our commitment to helping customers transition from document-based processes to a modern requirements management platform. Jama Connect empowers teams to manage complex product, systems, and software development with unmatched clarity and collaboration.

We owe this success to the incredible feedback from our users. Here’s what they’re saying:

“Jama Connect is not only a ‘document oriented’ ALM tool, it gives the organization the ability to map the project structure to the product structure, making it an easy entry point for R&D folks. Configured properly, it is a real technical and regulatory ‘single source of truth.” — Frederic Fiquet, Director, Systems Engineering, G2.com

“Product Design teams need a requirements management tool like Jama Connect. Using Jama Connect allows our software development team to have a well-organized and well-written set of requirements. It allows us to more easily maintain a baseline of features in our continuously evolving software.” — Mark M., Mid-Market, G2.com

RELATED: Buyer’s Guide: Selecting a Requirements Management and Traceability Solution

We are committed to providing the best possible experience for our users, and being named the overall leader by G2 is a testament to the success and satisfaction our customers have found with Jama Connect.

From all of us at Jama Software, thank you!

2025 Expert Predictions for Medical Device & Life Sciences: Innovations in Patient-Centered Care and the Future of Medical Device Design

2025 Expert Predictions for Medical Device & Life Sciences: Innovations in Patient-Centered Care and the Future of Medical Device Design

As patient-centered care takes center stage, the medical industry is witnessing an unprecedented transformation in how devices are designed, developed, and regulated. From the rise of direct-to-patient products and AI-enabled diagnostics to the challenges posed by cybersecurity and evolving regulatory landscapes, 2025 promises to be a pivotal year for medical innovation.

In part five of our annual predictions series, Richard Matt – Medical Product Consultant at Aspen Medical Risk Consulting, and Vincent Balgos – Director, Solutions & Consulting at Jama Software, share their insights on the future of medical devices. Together, they explore how digital solutions are reshaping patient care, the hurdles the industry must overcome, and the exciting possibilities for advancing remote monitoring, telehealth, and AI-powered solutions.

We like to stay on top of trends in other industries as well. Read our predictions for Industrial & Consumer Electronics (ICE) HERE, Automotive HERE, Semiconductor HERE, and Aerospace & Defense HERE – Plus, stay tuned for our future topic, AECO.

With patient-centered care becoming increasingly important, how do you see software and digital solutions transforming the design and development of medical devices in the next few years?

Richard Matt: Software development needs to mature to a place of contributing equally with other specialties instead of excelling independently. Far too many companies are being held back by technical siloing, usually led by software. The tragedy is that software personnel are among the most creative and productive employees. Their collaboration needs to mature to a place of creating opportunities for other specialties to be as efficient and achieve this together.

Vincent Balgos: There is a growing trend of direct-to-patient products (hearing aids, CGM’s, smartwatch apps) that includes complex software and digital solutions. In addition, most traditional med devices are now connected to the internet or other devices. I’d expect this trend to continue in this digital age, but with that growth, there will be some unintended side effects. Specifically, cybersecurity threats will continue to become a significant factor during the design, development, and on-market phases of the product.

RELATED: Integrate Cybersecurity and Safety Risk Management in Jama Connect® to Simplify and Accelerate Medical Device Development

Regulatory compliance and data security are paramount in life sciences. What advancements in software do you think will be most effective in managing compliance and protecting sensitive patient data?

Matt: Big data will become more available and utilized systematically to provide answers to questions that have been answered inadequately for decades. Protecting patient data is a simple matter of awareness and giving cybersecurity the sliver of attention it needs to close off the dominant attack vectors.

Balgos: In recent conferences I’ve attended (and read about), AI/ML continue to dominate the discussion around software advancements. Whether providing internal value to organizations, or external facing with AI/ML enabled devices, the impact that AI/ML has (generative, predictive) will play a major factor in the security of data (whether positive or negative). The regulatory guidance of AI/ML is still evolving so it’ll be interesting to see how it unfolds in the future.

As AI and machine learning continue to evolve, what role do you see these technologies playing in medical diagnostics, treatment personalization, and device functionality by 2025?

Matt: AI and ML will continue to evolve, as they have for generations. We have made recent, significant steps forward in natural language recognition, but the integration of that forward movement with diagnostics and treatment personalization will continue to be slow and incremental.

Balgos: The expansion of AI/ML in various traditional areas of med devices is continuing to grow at an exponential rate. Looking at FDA’s dataset, the # of authorized AI/ML enabled devices continue to grow YoY as much as 40% with applications in new areas. Currently, predictive AI is supporting medical professions with their clinical assessment/decisions in a supportive role and seems to be the common use case. But there are current talks now on how generative AI could add potential value in these device areas as well.

What are the biggest hurdles the industry faces in adopting cutting-edge software solutions in device manufacturing and patient care? How can companies proactively address these challenges?

Matt: The biggest hurdle is technical siloing, which software leads very capably. Companies can proactively address this challenge by implementing a systems-approach to problem solving / product development that respects all the technical contributions needed to succeed and ensures software personnel use their exceptional abstraction abilities to work in collaboration with the rest of the company.

Balgos: Some of the biggest hurdles my customers talk to me about are the evolving regulatory landscape, continuing pressures to accelerate development, scalability and ongoing resource and budget constrictions. For changing regulatory, I do recommend folks to work with a qualified regulatory affairs profession for guidance (and is now required in EU). For acceleration, scalability and resource constraints, companies are proactively looking for ways to maximize efficiency and looking to innovative ways to help organizations (e.g., AI applications).

RELATED: Buyer’s Guide: Selecting a Requirements Management and Traceability Solution for Medical Device & Life Sciences

How do you foresee the growing demand for remote patient monitoring and telehealth impacting product development for medical devices? What innovations do you think are necessary to support these shifts?

Matt: COVID was an unplanned stress test on our remote work capabilities. We need to analyze the results of that stress test to identify strengths and weaknesses to build into our next generation products and services.

Balgos: Based on the new FDA CDRH Director’s speech at MedTech Conf 2024, these demands coincide with their Home as a Health Care Hub initiative where these homestead digital solutions are becoming more at the forefront of healthcare for many patients. With these increasing interests and demands, I think connectivity of these devices will continue to rise, AI/ML will play a major factor in delivering value, and also improvements in the human factors/usability aspects of these devices will be something to watch. Transitioning from a professionally trained clinical staff to the general population, there will need to be a shift in developing these at home devices to be extremely ‘easy to use’, especially with those that struggle with technology, complex processes, and tedious tactile tasks.

With these innovations, there will be some side effects such as cybersecurity, post market updates, and the interoperability of all these devices. While they seem daunting, I’m confident that industry will rise to the challenge as they have with other previous challenges

Are there any additional insights you have regarding predictions, events, or trends you anticipate happening in 2025 and beyond?

Balgos: In early 2026, the FDA’s final rule on the Quality Management System Regulation (QMSR) will be effective, thereby incorporating ISO 13485 elements into the current Quality System Regulation (QSR). QMSR will supersede QSR.

This image shows a clock wearing a graduation cap to portray that this is a quick, informative video on the topic of Live Trace Explorer.

Jama Connect Features in Five: Live Trace Explorer

Learn how you can supercharge your systems development process! In this blog series, we’re pulling back the curtains to give you a look at a few of Jama Connect’s powerful features… in under five minutes.

In this Features in Five video, Francis Trudeau, Product Manager at Jama Software, will introduce viewers to Jama Connect’s Live Trace Explorer, which auto-detects risk by bringing comprehensive and detailed insights into your complex development processes.

Please note that Live Trace Explorer is currently in beta and available for all Jama Connect Cloud customers to try.


Francis Trudeau: Hello and welcome to the segment of Features in Five. My name is Francis Trudeau, and I’m a Product Manager at Jama Software. This video is an overview of Jama Connect’s Live Trace Explorer feature. Note that Live Trace Explorer is currently in beta and available for all Cloud customers to try.

The Live Trace Explorer is like a real-time map of the V-model, helping you check coverage completeness and validity across your project. It actively tracks metrics to spot gaps and risks between engineering teams so you can address issues early. This leads to a smoother development process, higher quality products, and faster time to market. This capability is a significant step in our vision to provide metrics for managing the development process through data.

To enable the Live Trace Explorer, go to the Admin tab, navigate to the Details section, find the Live Trace Explorer line, click Configure, check the box, and save. Once enabled, the feature appears in Admin Project settings and is available for Organization and Project Admins.

RELATED: Best Practices Guide to Requirements & Requirements Management

Trudeau: If permission is granted by their admins, users with a creator license can fully utilize the feature to load and configure existing diagrams. Once enabled, the Live Trace Explorer can be launched by right-clicking a project component or set to create a focused diagram for the selected node or right-clicking the project route to generate a comprehensive diagram showing all components and sets in sequence from top to bottom.

The resulting diagram visually represents the V-model with stakeholder needs, system requirements, designs, and components on the left, and their associated verifications and validations on the right. Each tile represents a component or set connected by trace paths. These paths are gray if there are no relationships between items and adjacent tiles, or they turn green and red to indicate the number of healthy or suspect relationships between them.

On the right side, the Verifications and Validation branch shows the number of Test Cases linked to items within the container on the left, no matter where they appear in the project. At the bottom of each tile, you’ll find a metric representing the ratio of these Test Cases included in a Test Plan. On the requirements side, the top part of each tile displays stats, including the number of items by type and any open conversations.

RELATED: How to Achieve Live Traceability™ with Jira® for Software Development Teams

Trudeau: In the bottom half, you’ll find coverage metrics, essentially the ratio of active relationships to expected ones as defined by the traceability information model. For example, the model indicates that each high-level requirement should have two relationships downstream. Out of my four high-level requirements, three are covered by validations, giving me 75% coverage. Two are related to mid-level requirements, resulting in a score of 50%. In the Actions menu, you can access configuration settings to customize what’s displayed and measured. You can globally turn off item types, exclude specific relationships from consideration, or you can configure each tile separately.

A common use case consists of configuring your diagram for disabling relationships you are not expected to have at an early stage of your project. Then you may want to disable lower-level requirement items and relationships pointing downstream to them. Once applied, the coverage and total score will update automatically. Make sure to save your diagram once you have configured it to your liking. Live Trace Explorer updates in real-time, so any changes to project data instantly affect the metrics. For example, I can address a gap by clicking on the incomplete coverage. This will open Trace View where I can then establish a relationship to a mid-level requirement. Back in Live Trace Explorer, the metrics and total score summarizing all coverage will be updated after a refresh. You can keep a record and share these metrics by exporting a diagram as a PDF from the Actions menu at the top.

If you’d like to learn more about how Jama Connect can optimize your product, software, and systems development processes, please visit our website at jamasoftware.com.

To view more Jama Connect Features in Five topics, visit:
Jama Connect Features in Five Video Series

This image shows a speaker who will give a presentation on ARP4754B.

In this blog, we recap our webinar, “The New ARP4754B: Tips for Engineers & Quality Teams” – Click HERE to watch it in its entirety.

Navigating the updates to ARP4754B can be challenging.

Understanding new safety analysis methods, validation and verification flexibility, and strategies to mitigate unintended behaviors is crucial for advancing aerospace development and ensuring compliance.

Join us as Cary Bryczek, Director of Aerospace and Defense Solutions at Jama Software, shares practical tips for engineers and quality teams to navigate the most impactful changes in ARP4754B.

Gain Insights On:

  • Changes from ARP4754A to ARP4754B
  • Model-Based Safety Analysis (MBSA) and Cascading effects Analysis (CEA)
  • Identifying and mitigating unintended system behaviors
  • Tying your safety analyses to requirements in Jama Connect
  • The updates to verification and validation methods

Below is an abbreviated transcript and a recording of our webinar.

The video above is a preview of this webinar – Click HERE to watch it in its entirety!


The New ARP4754B: Tips for Engineers & Quality Teams

Cary Bryczek: We’re going to have fun talking about the changes from ARP4754B revision A to revision B. We’ll spend some time a little bit more deeply on its emphasis on model-based design and safety. I’ll talk about enhanced integration of safety and requirements management and some of the changes to validation and verification. At the end, we’ll have some time for Q&A.

A quick refresher on what ARP4754B is. Its title is Guidelines for Development of Civil Aircraft. It’s an industry guideline developed by SAE International that provides recommended practices for the development of complex civil aircraft and systems. It outlines a structured systems engineering process for the integrating of hardware, software, and human factors to ensure safety, reliability, and performance across the system lifecycle. The document emphasizes traceability, verification, and validation from initial concept through to certification with a strong focus on meeting regulatory safety and design assurance standards.

ARP4754B also aligns and is used in conjunction with other key aerospace standards like DO-178C and DO-254 offering detailed guidance on how to meet safety and certification requirements in the context of modern integrated aircraft systems. ARP4754 revision B is meant to expedite consistency with ARP4761 revision A, the safety assessment process, which was it was released on the same day in December of 2023.

The guideline describes generic aircraft system development process, which establishes a framework for discussing the process. ARP4754B doesn’t imply a preferred method or process, nor does it imply a specific organizational structure. At its simplest, it emphasizes the flow down of intended aircraft function through the system requirements management process and allocation of function to systems, subsystems, and hardware and software items.

Integral processes in the context of 4754B refer to key processes that are interwoven throughout the entire development lifecycle of aerospace systems from concept to design, integration, verification, and certification. Now, these processes ensure that various engineering disciplines, your systems engineering teams, your hardware and software engineering safety are fully integrated, aligned, and contribute to the overall success of the project.

RELATED: Buyer’s Guide: Selecting a Requirements Management and Traceability Solution for Aerospace

Bryczek: This diagram from 4754B outlines the key stages of the aircraft system development process and provides a framework for understanding how safety is integrated into each stage. The safety are the ones that are in the lightest white or gray. The standard approach ensures that the safety risks are identified, analyzed, and mitigated early in the design process, and are continuously assessed throughout the system lifecycle.

I want to point out that lifecycle phases really are iterative and independent. 4754B emphasizes that the phases of system development aren’t strictly linear. For example, design and development may loop back to earlier phases such as the requirement’s definition. If issues are found during those later stages, sort of this iterative approach ensures that safety concerns can be identified and corrected throughout the lifecycle.

You’ll also notice that safety and hazard analysis is integrated throughout the development phases. Safety assessments are continuous activities throughout the development process. Safety considerations such as your functional hazard assessments, your fault tree analysis to your cascading effects analysis are embedded within multiple phases, particularly the design, development, and verification phases.

Let’s get to the meat of what has changed. So ARP4754B builds on the foundation laid by 4754A but offers a much more structured, detailed, and modern approach to developing complex aerospace systems. This is in response to the increasing complexity of our modern aircraft, tighter safety requirements, and evolving certification processes, particularly the need for rigorous system integration, traceability, and safety assessment practices. It provides greater clarity around the development assurance levels and how they relate to the overall system and safety requirements.

RELATED: Jama Connect Airborne Systems

Bryczek: While A provided a basic framework, B refines the application of DALs throughout the system lifecycle. B expands the understanding of development assurance levels in the context of aircraft and system development, and it places a greater emphasis on safety, traceability, and integration across the lifecycle stages. The updated standard provides a more comprehensive guidance on managing the DALs and aligning the safety assessments with the system requirements, and it ensures that development processes are rigorous enough to meet the increasing complexity of the modern aircraft systems.

With the increased use of model-based techniques, 4754B highlights the benefits of using models to perform safety assessments. It recognizes that simulation-based safety analysis can help engineers assess the safety of complex integrated systems much more efficiently by modeling different failure scenarios and responses, so the standard supports using simulation tools to model those failure scenarios and validate the robustness of safety-critical systems. And this all just improves the accuracy of safety analysis, and it helps identify the potential issues earlier in the design process.

The New ARP4754B: Tips for Engineers & Quality Teams

[Webinar Recap] Write Better Requirements with Jama Connect Advisor™

In this blog, we recap the “Write Better Requirements with Jama Connect Advisor™” webinar.
Click HERE to watch it in its entirety! 

Achieve Project Success with Clear, Effective Requirements

In this webinar, the speakers provide insights on how to leverage Jama Connect Advisor™, an easy-to-use, cutting-edge requirements authoring, editing, and analysis tool. Jama Connect Advisor uses Natural Language Processing (NLP) and evaluates and scores requirements against INCOSE EARS guidelines, enabling teams to create industry-compliant requirements, reduce risk, and improve efficiency throughout development.

You will learn how to:

  • Boost requirements clarity and writing speed as well as develop team skills with guided authoring
  • Track progress and improve requirements quality over time with downloadable reports
  • Improve the quality and usability of large volumes of requirement statements effortlessly with Batch Analysis
  • Save time on authoring, reviewing, and updating requirements
  • Confidently assess project readiness through requirements maturity analysis
  • Minimize rework risk due to ambiguity and contradictions

Below is an abbreviated transcript and a recording of our webinar.

The video above is a preview of this webinar – Click HERE to watch it in its entirety!


Write Better Requirements with Jama Connect Advisor

Jeremy Johnson: Thank you so much to everybody that’s joining us today. This is a pretty special time for us to be able to take a new capability to market. From a product management and product development standpoint, it’s an extremely exciting time for us. So again, I appreciate everybody’s time in joining us here today.

Before we transition into the main portion of the session here, I want to provide a short introduction and an overview of our agenda. We’ll talk a little bit, for those who aren’t familiar with us, a little bit about Jama Software. We’ll talk a little bit about the trends in product development, and some of the challenges that we see in requirements authoring. We’ll also of course introduce you to Jama Connect Advisor, who it’s for, and how it works. We’ll get into a demonstration. We’ll also talk a little bit about our customer success program, specifically our customer success authoring workshop, and how we are now including and embedding the technology and the capabilities around Jama Connect Advisor into that consulting offering.

And then, as Juliette mentioned, our special guest, Sheila King will go into the requirements quality focus that she’s helping implement at Rockwell Automation, and we’re super excited and happy to have her. And then, we should have some time at the end of the session for some questions as well.

But again, starting with and moving into Jama Software’s role in the product development ecosystem, our vision and our purpose as an organization is to ensure that innovators succeed. And as you’ll see from today’s discussion and demonstration, that’s really at the core of what drove our introduction of Jama Connect Advisor.

From a broader solution standpoint, Jama Connect is the number one requirements management provider in the marketplace. We help teams with requirement management and product development through live traceability that also spans not only requirements, but the verification and validation components on the test side, risk management, and other key data that drives those processes forward.

The value that we hope these innovative organizations, our customers, derive is really focused around things like cycle time reduction, helping speed time to market, enabling through live traceability the ability to gain visibility and control over the organization’s product development processes, and really drive streamlining, really drive a tremendous amount of value, and ultimately ensure compliance and managing risk.

As far as organizations that we work with, we span medical device, automotive, industrial, machinery,and software, and this is just a sampling of the customers that we have the pleasure of partnering with. We have over 800 customers globally. These organizations span from smaller startup organizations to large global enterprises.

So with that very short intro to Jama Software, I now would like to review some of the complexity and challenges that we see today in product development, and of course to introduce you to Jama Connect Advisor.

Related: Jama Connect Advisor™ Datasheet

Katie Huckett: Thanks, Jeremy. I’m really excited to talk about Jama Connect Advisor today and some of the things that are happening in the environment that led us to develop this solution. Today’s systems have become much more complex, and the emergence of the system of systems architecture has become the dominant approach for devices in all sectors, whether it’s aerospace, automotive, medical, and even consumer products. The system of systems is actually a collection of independent subsystems that are integrated into larger systems and deliver the unique capabilities required by users. The challenge is that it is difficult to predict accurate, predictable models of all emergent behaviors. So global systems of systems performance is difficult to design. That leads to testing and verification. Verifying upgrades to existing systems of systems is difficult and expensive as well, which is hard to scale. These are some of the factors that have led us to think about how we can help.

Another question we asked ourselves is why is requirements authoring so hard? If we look at the industry approaches for requirements authoring, we looked at the International Council on Systems Engineering’s (INCOSE) Guide for Writing Requirements. There’s a need to exercise a core subset of 40 rules in the INCOSE Rules for Writing Requirements, and in addition to that, an assessment of 49 requirement attributes. So just following INCOSE alone requires a substantial amount of training and understanding and then applying it, which can take a lot of time.

We’ve also found that EARS, the Easy Approach to Requirements Syntax, is being adopted by many organizations developing complex systems of systems. That includes Airbus, Bosch, Dyson, Honeywell, Intel, NASA, Siemens, and others. What EARS does is gently constrain the textual requirements. The EARS patterns provide guidance for writing a requirement sentence and provides syntax structure with an underlying rule set. Even these industry preferred approaches are challenging to apply, so we’re looking at how we might address that.

So today, just as a brief example, product requirements quality drives fidelity and efficiency in the product development cycle. If you look at this automotive example, there are many systems. It’s a complex system of systems that are dependent on each other. Any of these systems can lead to confusing the operator or systems operating optimally. If you look at the traditional V model of approaching systems engineering, the requirements are fundamental at the very early phase. So immediately after your needs analysis, you need to have really clear, concise, accurate requirements definitions.

The negative outcomes of poorly written requirements has been well-documented. It often leads to delayed time to market, late stage errors in the product, inaccurate translation of stakeholder needs into product attributes, and the lack of development team synergy. As teams are very organic today, the requirements need to be documented clearly and in an understandable way so that the team can execute with high performance. And then, ultimately failure and verification and validation can happen without high quality requirements.

Related: How the EARS Notation Supports Effective Requirements Management and Live Traceability™ 

Huckett: A secondary challenge is the training and reinforcement of requirements authoring skills. The lack of proper requirements can lead to product issues, and it’s a significant challenge in today’s environment. 30% of engineering degree holders are nearing retirement globally, and in the US 79% of American workers agree that to retain or increase their future employability, they need to continue with their learning and development. Computer scientists, 47.5% participate in work-related training to maintain and extend their skills, and engineers almost 60% do the same. So onboarding, retaining, and training system engineers remains a significant challenge.

With those items as a background, I’d like to introduce Jama Connect Advisor. Jama Connect Advisor is an add-on for Jama Connect Cloud. It’s an intelligent natural language advisor that improves the quality of requirements. It allows you to author intricate product requirements quickly, easily, and with precision. It is powered by engineering-based natural language processing, so not a general-purpose aid. It is engineering language-based. The advice provided is based on the industry-recommended best practices for the INCOSE rules and EARS notations.

Jama Connect Advisor has a very significant side benefit, while you use it, it augments skills and reinforces organizational preferences while authoring. So not only is Jama Connect Advisor doing the pragmatic work of improving requirements quality, but your systems engineers are learning how to do that more quickly and efficiently over time with its use.

When we look at Jama Connect Advisor’s capabilities, its features include analysis and advice from industry-leading practices, INCOSE rules, and EARS notation. The application is designed to put these two together to increase the quality, accuracy, and efficiency of requirement statements. So that’s its unique value. The guidance is provided seamlessly while you are editing in Jama Connect, which we’ll demonstrate in a moment. So really, the advantages are that experts can work faster confirming the application of INCOSE and EARS as they go, sharing their expert knowledge across the organization.

Write Better Requirements with Jama Connect Advisor™

This image shows a cta for visitors to sign up for a trial of Jama Connect Advisor.