There will come a time when you forget to add an item to a review. Rather than start over it would be great to be able to add items to a review that is already in progress. While there are some inherent risks to adding items to a review in progress, we also understand that it is necessary.
The key to adding items to a review already in progress starts with how you initiate the review. For example, if you start a review by clicking on a container like Project, Component, Set, or Folder, you will be able to add additional items to that review. However, if you start a review based on a selection of individual items you will not be able to add items to that review once it is in progress.
Invest two minutes and watch this short video as we break down the steps required to add items to a review already in progress. If you have any follow up questions, either post a comment below or access support via
/media/jama-logo-primary.svg00Jama Software/media/jama-logo-primary.svgJama Software2013-02-20 22:03:192023-01-12 16:57:00Review Center: Adding Items to Review
Managers often ask me what return on investment (ROI) they can expect from the money they spend on training, process improvement, and tools for requirements engineering. I can’t give them a nice, tidy answer. As with so many questions in software, the correct answer is, “It depends.” In this article I discuss some of the factors that contribute to determining what ROI an organization can expect from better requirements.
The Investment
If you want to determine the ROI from any activity, you need to track both what you invested in the activity and the benefits—reduced costs, accelerated schedules, increased sales, whatever—you enjoyed as a result. Unfortunately, few software organizations collect this sort of data. It’s not hard to track the money and time your organization spends developing improved requirements. Measuring the payback is trickier.
Following are some of the actions you might take to improve your requirements processes and hence the product requirements themselves. Track what you spend on these activities to determine your investment.
Assessing current practices. All process improvement should begin with some kind of appraisal. You need to learn how your teams are dealing with their requirements issues today and how those current approaches do and do not yield the desired results. You might begin with the “Current Requirements Practice Self-Assessment” available at the Process Impact website.
Developing new processes and templates. Once you’ve identified specific requirements practices that are ripe for improvement, your teams need to devise processes that will work better for them. This might involve writing entirely new processes, modifying current processes, and selecting templates for your key requirements deliverables. You can start with the sample templates for a vision and scope document, use case document, and software requirements specification available from the Process Impact website. Adapt these to meet your project needs as appropriate.
Training the team. It’s not reasonable to expect your team members to work in new ways if they haven’t been taught how to perform the new practices. All business analysts and others who must deal with requirements should receive some basic training in requirements engineering concepts and practices. The team members also need guidance in the effective use of your own processes and templates.
Acquiring books and other resources. Requirements engineering is a complex domain with many concepts and practices. Your BAs will benefit from having reference books and articles at hand so they can refresh their knowledge and get ideas for handling new challenges they encounter. Books are a high-leverage investment, assuming that team members actually read them and apply what they learn.
Employing external consultants. Some software organizations pursue improved requirements approaches on their own. Others prefer to acquire assistance from experienced consultants who have worked with a variety of companies. Consultants aren’t cheap, but they can help your team members solve problems much faster than they might solve those problems on their own.
Written requirements documents have numerous limitations. As your requirements engineering activities become more sophisticated, you might elect to store requirements in a database rather than in traditional word processing documents. Nearly three dozen commercial requirements management tools are available. Descriptions and comparative information are available at and tools make it far easier for you to store attributes that provide a rich understanding of each requirement, to track requirements status, to deal with changes, and to record requirements traceability information. Chapter 23 of my book More about Software Requirements (Microsoft Press, 2006) offers many tips on getting the most from your tool investment.
Of course, the greatest investment you make in developing superior requirements is the time your team members spend eliciting, analyzing, documenting, validating, and managing the requirements for their products. As we saw in the previous section, this is likely to accelerate your project, amply rewarding the additional investment in quality requirements.
The Return
I can’t predict what ROI you’re going to get from your investment in developing better requirements. There are too many variables, most of which depend on the performance of your own teams. However, I can help you think through what the payback might be for your organization. The return you can expect to receive depends on the price your projects are currently paying for shortcomings in your requirements. If your teams are forced to perform extensive rework to deal with overlooked or inaccurate requirements, you’ll obtain a better return than if requirements issues are just a minor nuisance. Before you dive into requirements process improvement, consider the following questions.
What fraction of your development effort is expended on rework? (Few software organizations can answer this question. Those that have measured it find that rework can consume 30 to 50 percent of all the effort expended on a software project. Some rework is unavoidable and adds value but much rework constitutes wasted effort.)
How much does a typical customer-reported defect cost your organization? A system-test defect? (Every organization should know this. To my knowledge, only one of my clients has measured it, though. They spent an average of $4,200 to deal with each customer-reported defect. Contrast this with their average cost of just $200 to discover a defect by inspection.)
What fraction of user-reported defects, and what fraction of defects discovered through system testing, originate in requirements errors? (Defect root cause analysis is an excellent technique for determining where your leverage lies for quality improvement.)
How much maintenance cost—defect correction, unplanned enhancements—can be attributed to missed requirements or other types of requirement defects?
How much do you think you could you shorten your delivery schedules if your project teams could reduce requirement defects by, say, fifty percent?
The goal of software process improvement is to improve the bottom line of your business by lowering the costs of building and maintaining software. Adopting practices that result in fewer requirement defects will reduce the amount of development rework your teams must perform. Performing less rework has a direct payback through reduced product development costs and quicker time to market. Techniques that get your BAs and customers working closer together lead to products that better meet customer needs. Superior requirements development also lowers your maintenance and support costs. Many products have to be modified immediately after release when the customers realize some critical functionality is missing or wrong.
Besides these obvious practical benefits, improving your requirements approaches leads to less tangible outcomes that are valuable but hard to measure. Experiencing fewer miscommunications on a software project reduces the overall level of chaos. Less chaos lowers unpaid overtime, increases team morale, boosts employee retention, and improves the team’s chances of delivering on time. And all of the benefits I’ve described here have the potential of leading to higher customer satisfaction. What is that worth to you? It might be hard to measure, but it’s real.
Jama Software has partnered with Karl Wiegers to share licensed content from his books and articles on our web site via a series of blog posts, whitepapers and webinars. Karl Wiegers is an independent consultant and not an employee of Jama. He can be reached at Enjoy these free requirements management resources.
/media/jama-logo-primary.svg00Karl Wiegers/media/jama-logo-primary.svgKarl Wiegers2012-09-17 08:30:542023-01-12 16:57:07The Return on Investment from Better Requirements
As every consultant knows, the correct answer to nearly any question regarding software is “It depends.” I realize that’s not a very satisfying answer, but this isn’t just a consultant’s cop-out—it’s true. The best advice for how to proceed in a given situation depends on the nature of the project, its constraints, the culture of the organization and team, the business environment, and other factors.
That said, having worked with many organizations, I’ve made some observations about software requirements that really do seem to be universally applicable. In this series of three articles (adapted from my book More about Software Requirements) I present some of these “cosmic truths” and their implications for the practicing business analyst.
Cosmic Truth #1: If you don’t get the requirements right, it doesn’t matter how well you execute the rest of the project.
Requirements serve as the foundation for all the project work that follows. I don’t mean the initial software requirements specification you come up with early in the project, but rather the full set of requirements knowledge that is developed incrementally during the course of the project.
The purpose of a software development project is to build a product that provides value to a particular set of customers. Requirements development attempts to determine the mix of product capabilities and characteristics that will best deliver this customer value. This understanding evolves over time as customers provide feedback on the early work and refine their expectations and needs. If this set of expectations isn’t adequately explored and crafted into a set of product features and attributes, the chance of satisfying customer needs is slim.
Requirements validation is one of the vital subcomponents of requirements development, along with elicitation, analysis, and specification. Validation involves demonstrating that the specified requirements will meet customer needs. One useful technique for validating requirements is to work with suitable customer representatives to develop user acceptance criteria. These criteria define how customers determine whether they’re willing to pay for the product or to begin using it to do their work. User acceptance criteria typically stipulate that the product allows the users to properly perform their most significant tasks, handles the common error conditions, and offers an acceptable level of quality. User acceptance criteria aren’t a substitute for thorough system testing. They do, however, provide a necessary perspective to determine whether the requirements are indeed right.
Cosmic Truth #2: Requirements development is a discovery and invention process, not just a collection process.
People often talk about “gathering requirements.” This phrase suggests that the requirements are just lying around waiting to be picked like flowers or to be sucked out of the users’ brains by the BA. I prefer the term requirements elicitation to requirements gathering. Elicitation includes some discovery and some invention, as well as recording those bits of requirements information that customer representatives offer to the BA. Elicitation demands iteration. The participants in an elicitation discussion won’t think of everything they’ll need up front, and their thinking will change as the project continues. Requirements development is an exploratory activity.
A business analyst is not simply a scribe who records what customers say. The BA is an investigator who asks questions that stimulate the customers’ thinking, seeking to uncover hidden information and generate new ideas. It’s fine for a BA to propose requirements that might meet customer needs, provided the customers agree that those requirements add value before they go into the product. A BA might ask customers, “Would it be helpful if the system could do?” The customer might reply, “No, that wouldn’t do much for us.” Alternatively, the customer might reply, “You could do that? Wow, that would be great! We didn’t even think to ask for that feature, but it would save our users a lot of time.”
This creativity is part of the value the BA adds to the requirements conversation. Just be careful that BAs and developers don’t attempt to define a product from the bottom up through suggested product features. It’s better to base the requirements on an understanding of stakeholder goals and a broad definition of success.
Cosmic Truth #3: Change happens.
It’s inevitable that requirements will change. Business needs evolve, new users or markets are identified, business rules and government regulations are updated, and operating environments change over time. In addition, the business need becomes clearer as the key stakeholders become better educated about what their true needs are.
The objective of a change control process is not to inhibit change. Rather, the objective is to manage change to ensure that the project incorporates the right changes for the right reasons. You need to anticipate and accommodate changes to produce the minimum disruption and cost to the project and its stakeholders. However, excessive churning of the requirements after they’ve been agreed upon suggests that elicitation was incomplete or ineffective—or that agreement was premature.
To help make change happen, establish a change control process. You can download an example of such a process from the Process Impact website. When I helped to implement a change control process in an Internet development group at Kodak, the team members properly viewed it as a useful structure, not as a barrier. The group found this process invaluable for dealing with its mammoth backlog of change requests.
Every project team also needs to determine who will evaluate requested changes and decide to approve or reject them. This group is typically called the change (or configuration) control board, or CCB. A CCB should write a charter that defines its composition, scope of authority, operating procedures and decision-making process. A template for such a charter also is available at the Process Impact website.
Nearly every software project becomes larger than originally anticipated, so expect your requirements to grow over time. According to consultant Capers Jones, requirements growth typically averages one to three percent per month during design and coding. This can have a significant impact on a long-term project. To accommodate some expected growth, build contingency buffers—also known as management reserve—into your project schedules. These buffers will keep your commitments from being thrown into disarray with the first change that comes along.
I once spoke with a manager on a five-year project regarding requirements growth. I pointed out that, at an average growth rate of two percent per month, his project was likely to be more than double the originally estimated size by the end of the planned sixty-month schedule. The manager agreed that this was plausible. When I asked if his plans anticipated this growth potential, he gave the answer I expected: No. I was highly skeptical that this project will be completed without enormous cost and schedule overruns.
When you know that requirements are uncertain and likely to change, use an incremental or iterative development life cycle. Don’t attempt to get all the requirements “right” up front and freeze them. Instead, specify and baseline the first set of requirements based on what is known at the time. A baseline is a statement about the state of the requirements at a specific point in time: “We believe that these requirements will meet a defined set of customer needs and are a suitable foundation for proceeding with design and construction.” Then, implement that fraction of the product, get some customer feedback, and move on the next slice of functionality. This is the intent behind agile development methodologies, the spiral model, iterative prototyping, evolutionary delivery, and other incremental approaches to software development.
Finally, recognize that change always has a price. It is never free. Even the act of considering a proposed change and then rejecting it consumes effort. Software people need to educate their project stakeholders so they understand that, sure, we can make that change you just requested, and here’s what it’s going to cost. Then the stakeholders can make appropriate business decisions about which desired changes should be incorporated and at what time.
Speaking of which, the next article in this series will present several cosmic truths about requirements and project stakeholders.
Jama Software has partnered with Karl Wiegers to share licensed content from his books and articles on our web site via a series of blog posts, whitepapers and webinars. Karl Wiegers is an independent consultant and not an employee of Jama. He can be reached at Enjoy these free requirements management resources.
/media/jama-logo-primary.svg00Karl Wiegers/media/jama-logo-primary.svgKarl Wiegers2012-09-12 16:40:292023-01-12 16:57:09Cosmic Truths about Software Requirements, Part 1
Not every manager is convinced that his team needs to do a better job on requirements development and management, or that such an investment will pay off. Numerous industry studies, however, indicate that requirements issues are a pervasive cause of project distress. The often-quoted CHAOS Reports from The Standish Group indicate that three of the biggest contributors to projects that fail or are “challenged” are lack of user input, incomplete requirements and specifications, and changing requirements and specifications.
An Economic Argument
The case for implementing better requirements practices is an economic or business argument, not a philosophical or technical position. Think about how your company’s bottom line is affected by requirements-related problems. Then use that understanding to justify investing in better requirements practices that can pay off for the long term.
A recent case study of requirements failure was the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s new case management software system, called VCF. This project was abandoned after $170 million had been spent because the delivered software was full of defects and off-target functionality. As one investigator wrote:
I suspect what happened with the VCF is that in the rush to put in place a system, you think you got your requirements nailed, but you really don’t. It was a classic case of not getting the requirements sufficiently defined in terms of completeness and correctness from the beginning. And so it required a continuous redefinition of requirements that had a cascading effect on what had already been designed and produced. (Goldstein, Harry. 2005. “Who Killed the Virtual Case File?” IEEE Spectrum 42(9): 24–35).
Numerous studies have examined the effects of errors in requirements on software projects. They consistently find that nearly half of the discovered defects originated as requirement errors. The typical outcome of errors in the requirements is an expectation gap, a difference between what developers build and what customers really need. Clearly, any domain that is the root cause of approximately half of the problems on software projects deserves our attention.
The main reason errors in requirements are so damaging is that they force the development team to perform extensive rework to correct the errors. It’s well-established that the cost of correcting a software error increases dramatically the later it is discovered, as shown in Table 1. An error, omission, or misunderstanding in the requirements forces developers to redo all the work they’ve already done based on the incorrect requirement. Therefore, any technique that can reduce requirement defects and prevent some of this wasted effort is a high-leverage investment indeed. One analysis of the potential return on investment from better requirements suggested that requirement errors can consume between 70 and 85 percent of all project rework costs.
Table 1. Relative Cost to Correct a Requirement Error
Stage Error Is Discovered
Relative Cost to Correct
Requirements Development
System or Acceptance Test
What Better Requirements Can Do for You
In addition to avoiding some of the negative consequences described above, better software requirements provide numerous benefits. These include selecting the right projects to fund, facilitating estimation, enabling rational prioritization, developing higher quality designs, and testing more effectively.
Selecting projects to fund. Good preliminary requirements enable senior managers to make effective business decisions as organizations decide which among a set of potential projects to fund. Better requirements allow more accurate projection of business returns. Once a project is funded, better requirements allow project managers to more sensibly partition tasks among their teams and even among individual team members.
Facilitating estimation. Well-understood requirements can help your team estimate the effort and resources needed to execute a project. Reliable estimation requires some historical correlation between requirements size and effort.
Enabling prioritization. Documented requirements allow the team to prioritize its remaining work. Most projects need to make compromises to ensure that they implement the most critical and most timely functionality. A prioritized requirements baseline helps the team incorporate those changes that will deliver the maximum customer value. One study revealed that just 54 percent of the originally defined features were delivered on an average project. If you can’t implement all of the requested functionality, make sure the team implements the right portion.
Developing designs. Requirements are the foundation for design. Therefore, well-understood and well-communicated requirements help developers devise the most appropriate solution to the problem. High-quality requirements also ensure that the development team works on the right problem. Many developers have experienced the frustration of implementing functionality that someone swore they needed, only to find that no one ever used it. One survey indicated that fully 45 percent of the delivered software product features were never used. Wasting less time implementing the wrong functionality accelerates the project and maximizes its business return.
Testing effectively. Well-defined and testable requirements allow testers to develop accurate test procedures to verify the functionality. Prioritizing requirements tells testers which ones to concentrate on first. Assessing requirement difficulty and risk helps testers know which functionality should receive the closest scrutiny.
Tracking project status. A comprehensive, traced set of requirements helps the stakeholders know when the project is done. A body of work is complete when all of the requirements allocated to it are either verified as being correctly implemented in the product or deleted from the baseline. Defined business requirements also allow the stakeholders to determine whether the project has met its goals.
Accelerating development. Believe it or not, investing more effort in developing the requirements can actually accelerate software development. This seems counterintuitive, but it’s true. Defining business requirements—the expected business outcomes the product will provide—aligns the stakeholders with shared vision, goals, and expectations. Effective user involvement in establishing the requirements reduces the chance that users will reject the new system upon delivery. Following are some published illustrations.
In a study of 15 banking and telecommunications projects, the most successful projects spent 28 percent of their resources on requirements engineering, whereas the average project in the study devoted just 15.7 percent of its effort to requirements.
Increasing the fraction of the total budget devoted to requirements on a group of NASA projects led to substantially lower overrun of both cost and schedules; see Table 2 (Hooks, Ivy F., and Kristin A. Farry. 2001. Customer-Centered Products: Creating Successful Products Through Smart Requirements Management. New York: AMACOM).
In a European survey, the fastest project teams spent about twice as much of their schedule (17 percent versus nine percent) and effort (14 percent versus seven percent) on requirements activities as the slower teams.
Table 2. Cost and Schedule Overruns on Some NASA Projects
Percent of Budget Spent on Requirements
Number of Projects
Average Project Cost Overrun
< 5%
5 to 10%
> 10%
Accurate requirements ensure that the functionality built will let users perform their essential business tasks. The requirements also establish achievable quality expectations. This lets the team implement both the capabilities and the product characteristics—the nonfunctional requirements—that will make users happy. Additionally, emphasizing requirements development is cheaper than relying on beta testing to find requirements problems. Fixing problems that late in the game is far costlier than correcting them earlier.
Jama Software has partnered with Karl Wiegers to share licensed content from his books and articles on our web site via a series of blog posts, whitepapers and webinars. Karl Wiegers is an independent consultant and not an employee of Jama. He can be reached at Enjoy these free requirements management resources.
/media/jama-logo-primary.svg00Karl Wiegers/media/jama-logo-primary.svgKarl Wiegers2012-09-11 09:10:212023-01-12 16:57:09The Business Value of Better Requirements Management