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The third wave of the internet is coming and to an extent it is already here. While not everyone – or everything – is on board yet, we are getting there faster than you may think. The third wave of the Internet will radically change how businesses compete and cooperate. The first wave was the […]
It seems all eyes are on IoT and IIoT trends in the world of information technology as the globe heads into the year 2017. The potential to reach a new, even more exciting level of technological innovation through further product development and refinement of IoT and IIoT sensors, gadgets and smart devices is just starting […]
The “smarter” and more complex modern systems get, the more complicated the process required to build them becomes. Systems engineering teams working in regulated industries suffer an unfair share of the pain of product and systems development and management. In such industries, the margins of operation have always been tight, with little to no room […]