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At Jama Software, we’ve been working with innovative companies at the forefront of this endeavor. One of the common challenges we’ve seen is product and engineering leaders lacking visibility and critical insights into their product development process.
Jama Connect has never been more powerful for understanding your full product development lifecycle and proving you built the product you set out to build. Here are some highlights of its features and updates to help you hit your product launch target.
What’s considered a state-of-the art product today has completely changed from a decade ago.
It’s not often we see the deeply personal sides of co-workers. Even more rare is when someone voluntarily shares an intensely intimate look at their family’s life in front of a group of relative strangers.
5G is set to be a game changer in industries as wide-ranging as autonomous vehicles, medical devices, and robotics.
Here are four more sources of ambiguity, plus additional best practices to save your requirements — and your product.
When a requirement can be interpreted in more than one way, problems ensue.
See & Spray technology is fitted onto tractors like standard weed spraying machinery, but it’s also equipped with an array of cameras and machine-learning software. This enables it to tell the difference between weeds and crops, and actually improve performance as it learns.
Avoid these common problems that weaken initial requirements and throw a product off track.
This year’s CES cemented the fact that the age of driverless vehicles is upon us.